
Bryan Day is a sonic adventurer, painter and inventor of curious things based in the East Bay. Using scavenged electronics, repurposed mechanical components and amplified materials that you might find in your garage or your great uncle's office, he re-imagines them into constructivist sound sculptures. Day has performed, taught workshops, and built sound installations across Europe, Asia and the Americas. He spends his days designing, building and fixing exhibits at the Exploratorium and Children’s Creativity Museum in San Francisco.
Festival appearances include Soundwave Festival (San Francisco, 2014), Thingamajigs Festival (San Francisco, 2013), New Media Sound and Art Summit (Austin, 2013), Milwaukee Noise Festival (Milwaukee, 2012), Denver Noise Festival (Denver, 2011), Heliotrope Festival (Minneapolis, 2010), Megapolis Festival (Baltimore, 2010), Denver Noise Festival (Denver, 2010), Transistor Festival (Denver, 2009), Quiet Music Festival (Cork, Ireland, 2008), Sonic Circuits Festival (Washington, D.C., 2007), Soundfield Festival (Chicago, 2005), and SubZero Festival (Minneapolis, 2001). Day has over 40 solo and ensemble releases on labels such as Creative Sources, Bug Incision, Friends and Relatives, Gameboy, Freedom From, Digitalis, Featherspines, Neus-318, Journal of Experimental Fiction, Unread, and Seagull.
Since 1997 he has been running the new music label Public Eyesore and its sister label Eh?. Through Public Eyesore and Eh?, Day has produced and released over 250 albums of improvised and experimental music by artists from all over the globe and organized numerous tours for American artists in Japan. Day curated regular events at Canessa Gallery, Meridian Galley, Clawfoot House (Lincoln, 2009-2010), Tiptop Haus (Omaha, 2005-2007), The Magic Theatre (Omaha, 2006) and Sitting Still, Going Places first Friday series at Chatterbox (Lincoln, 2006-2007).
Day facilitates invented instrument building workshops, both to build instruments of his own design and freeform workshops that focus on building sound objects using repurposed materials. These include Whiskerphone, Rotowhisker, Sonic Marionette, Sound Mouse, Junk Kalimba and Circuit Bending. Get in touch if you are interested in hosting a workshop.