
Reverse Travelogue w/ Bryan Day
Wednesdays at 10pm on KPVL 89.1 Postville & Decorah, IA
Streaming online at http://www.891theblend.org/
Submissions to Reverse Travelogue can be sent to:
Bryan Day
KPVL 89.1
PO Box 136
Decorah, IA
Reverse Travelogue #56 (8.15.13)
Peter Kowald & Damon Smith untitled (track 4). Mirrors - Broken But No Dust (Balance Point Acoustics, 2001).
Screwed Anthologies "Disk 1, #1." Screwed Anthologies (El Cangrejito, 2010).
Bayal & Arnaud Riviere "First Contact." (excerpt) First Contact (Bug Incision, 2009).
ID M Theft Able "Popsicles, Icicles, Baseball & Fancy Clothes." Popsicles, Icicles, Baseball & Fancy Clothes(Chocolate Monk, 2013).
Crawling With Tarts "Fielding Variation Nr. 2." I Am Telephoning A Star (ASP, 1997).
Control Unit "Rolling & Throbbing." Oto Live (Chocolate Monk, 2012).
Pedromonkeyfinger "Shake." Eye Day Rabbit (Bug Incision, 2009).
Dark Spring "untitled i." (excerpt) Esther Chlorine / Dark Spring (Tumeric Magnitudes, 2013).
The Gate untitled (track 3). Vomit Dreams (Heat Retention, 2012).
Magus "Ancient Worshipper." Sun Worshipper (Ujikaji Records, 2011).
Reverse Travelogue #56 (8.1.13)
Hungry Cowboy "Scalp." Dance (Prom Night, 2013).
Yannick Dauby "Hares and Bells." (excerpt) Hares and Bells (Invisible Birds, 2013).
MSHR "Auto-Nest~Tracerbath." InwardConch~UpwardSpiral (Self-released, 2012).
R. Millis "AK Duet." Re-Forms (Alterity, 2013).
Black Thread "Pinkfire I." (excerpt) Pinkfire (Tumeric Magintudes, 2013).
Epps / Zubot "Corn." Land Of Marigold (Bug Incision, 2013).
Jim Haynes "Oscar." The Wires Cracked (Mego, 2013).
Michael Gendreau "T921 Pt. 2." Vitoj (Ground Fault, 2005).
Rodger Stella Track 3. (excerpt) Nazot (Chocolate Monk, 2009).
Jason Zeh Side A. (excerpt) Polarity (Handmade Birds, 2012).
Dave Dove / Jawwaad Taylor "These Are Eyes, See? - #3." These Are Eyes, See? (El Cangrejito, 2013).
Burial Tree "We Lay In A World Of Death And Phantoms." Rituals (Self-released, 2012).
Reverse Travologue #55 (7.18.13)
Das Torpedos "Amp, Microphone, Fan." Noise Conglomerate V (Anti-Everything, 2013).
That Hideous Strength "Spannungsbogen." (Self-released, 2012).
Dan Melchior "Untempered." A Squirrel Could Never Be A Disappointment To Me (Chocolate Monk, 2013).
Jeb Bishop & Jorrit Dijkstra "Ice." 1000 Words (Driff Records, 2012).
Bob Marsh and Tom Bickley "Movement 2: Scherzo." Earth Music (Innova, 2008).
Gratkowski / Bryerton / Smith " Increased (B)." The Voice Imitator (Balance Point Acoustics, 2003).
Tomonari Nozaki "Chapter III." (Excerpt) Une Histoire de Bleu (Invisible Birds, 2013).
Arthur De Eriomém "Drowned by Voices." Drowned By Voices, Somewhat Rather Slowly (Invisible Birds, 2013).
Xihn Xo "Contagion I." (Self-released, 2013).
Fritz Welch "Open The Door Doctor West!" Crumbs on a Dumpster (Chocolate Monk, 2013).
Reverse Travologue #54 (7.4.13)
Shea Mowat "Cosmic Cosmos Compost." Ghost Rituals Off Sacred Sealand (Mang-Disc, 2001).
Joe Pineapple "Only Part of the Problem." The Big Map of Shortcuts (Eden Gully, 2008).
Gastric Female Reflex / ID M Theft Able Track 27. The Oink Inside (Humbug, 2010).
Melmann Track 3. Melmann (Self-released, 2013).
Dublant / Lenglet / Wadham "Qui Voit Le Ciel Dans L'eau." Proverbes (Bug Incision, 2011).
Eric Chenaux & Bent Spoon Duo "Live In Calgary." (Excerpt) Live In Calgary (Bug Incision, 2010).
Betty Apple "Dream." (Self-released, 2011).
Julia Mazawa "2." (excerpt) Great Friday (Nice Ass Tapes, 2011)
Gumball Rimpoche Side 1. (excerpt) Epic Fail (Ratskin, 2011).
Russian Tsarlag "Never Gonna See My Way." There's A Snake In My Cash Register (Hexagon Tapes, 2010).
Reverse Travologue #53 (6.20.13)
Brekekekoaxkoax "The Two Meanings Of Parables." Sudden Empire of Tears (Hushroom, 2013).
Chan / Smith / Walter "Song For A Small Space." Improvised Music and Tentacles (Bug Incision, 2013).
Mr. Hubba & El Mono Inventor w/ Bob Marsh "Richmond Sessions: No2." Vida Y Muerte (Bankrobber, 2010).
Ben Gwilliam & Jason Zeh "Dots." (excerpt) Dots (Brombron, 2010).
Ronsen / Grzinich / Reed "Snake Eyes Lament." Frequency Curtain (Elevator Bath, 2001).
Gino Robair "Wound String." Solo Drums With Ebow (Bug Incision, 2013).
Reed / Rowe / Thompson "1." (excerpt) Shifting Currents (Mikroton, 2013).
Venison Whirled "Contractions of the Vessel." (excerpt) The Many Moods of Venison Whirled (Kendra Steiner, 2013).
Nick Hennies "Flourish." (excerpt) Flourish (Consumer Waste, 2013).
Daniel Hintz "Nature Of These." Slug it Slay (Nice Ass Tapes, 2013).
Tower Recordings "Arcade Daycare." The Fraternity Of Moonwalkers (Audible Hiss, 1996).
Reverse Travologue #52 (6.06.13)
Kim Jung Mi "Lonely Heart." Now (Fontana, 1973).
Ralph White "High on a Mountaintop." The Hanged Man (Sloow Tapes, 2011).
Black Forest / Black Sea "Blackbird on Gray Sky." Black Forest / Black Sea (Last Visible Dog / Secret Eye Records, 2003).
Thomas Carnacki "Gansevoort Two-Step." The Disappearance Of This Terrible Pool (Alethiometer, 2010).
Audible 3 "Bpn Static Mansion III." Baby Planet Nuclei (Audible, 2006).
Perlonex & Keith Rowe "Perlonex & Keith Rowe." (Excerpt) Tensions (Nexsound, 2006).
Kevin Parks + Alice Hui-Sheng Chang "Confessions of a Middle School Guidance Councelor." (Excerpt)(Homophoni, 2010).
Art Brut "The Ballad Of Primitive Thought." Art Brut (Pan Y Rosas, 2013).
Solmania "Metamorphor Chorus 2." Metamorphor Chorus (Alchemy, 1991).
Dylan Shearer "Quartz Trails." Porchpuddles (Empty Cellar, 2012).
Jugz "Hi." Row Row Row (Lowman, 2013).
Six Organs of Admittance "Light of The Light." Asleep on the Floodplain (Drag City, 2011).
Elephant Micah "To Exit This Circular Highway." Plays the Songs of the Bible Birds (Time-Lag, 2010).
Reverse Travologue #51 (5.23.13)
Juan Antonio Nieto "Wetlands." Secret Communication (Mandorla, 2010).
Jeff Surak "Delusion." (Self-released, 2013).
Sult "Lunge." Harm (Bocian, 2013).
Eric La Casa "Improbable Horizontal East." Improbable Horizontal East (Compost and Height, 2008).
Chesterman / Winstanley / Kennedy "Clack." Aubible 3 (Self-released, 2003).
Music For Hard Times "Neolithic Cyber-Synthesis." Something Old Something New (Docking Station, 2013).
Hiroki Sasajima "Landwave." Quadro (Mandorla, 2009).
Don Campau "Just Passing Through." Just Passing Through (Lonely Whistle, 2013).
Bonnie Jones "Jones Family Farm." Jones Family Farm (Compost and Height, 2008).
Jeffrey Alexander "Crusin' Attitude." All Godchaux All The Time (Sounds Eternal, 2013).
Reverse Travelogue #50 (5.09.2013)
Cheryl Leonard "Ice River." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
R.P. Collier "Kamara." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
David Samas "Silent Creatures." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Bob Marsh "Chicago Rivets 1." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Anne Hege "I See Spirits." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Jon Yates "Darlin Corrie." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Robert Stewart "Invisible Dog Outpost." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Ed Ruchalski "Nocturne." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Tim Kaiser "Artifact." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Tom Nunn "Skatchbox." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Mighty Vitamins "Marxhausen's Tines." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
John Collins McCormick "Handsome Metal Tray." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Bryan Day "False Primes." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Jay Kreimer "Rounders." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Dave Knott "4 Strings Get Unbored." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Tore Honore Boe "Pure Acoustic Laptop 1." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Joseph Jaros "Eostre Moss." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Jeff Thompson "Soundfork." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Jason Zeh "Lincoln." Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup (Eh?, 2013).
Reverse Travelogue #49 (4.25.2013)
Yannick Dauby "Raud 07.07.03 Laaksaare." Lind, Raud (Invisible Birds, 2012).
Olatunji Duo "Arche." (excerpt) Arche (Pan Y Rosas, 2012).
Ingenting Kollectiva "The Void Spills Out." Lost Beyond Telling (Invisible Birds, 2012).
Jugz "Ame." Row Row Row (Lowman, 2013).
Will Simmons "Ready For Love." Second Lines & Second Halfs (Unread, 2013).
Caethua "Wrecks and Rescues." (excerpt) Caethua / Shep and Me (Lighten Up Sounds, 2011).
Joe Lasqo "Emergent 2." (excerpt) (Self-released, 2013).
Moe! Staino's Moe!kestra "11." Two Forms Of Multitudes (Pax/Edgetone, 2002).
Aku Tardiff / Don Campau "Next Stop." (Excerpt) Next Stop > End Of The World (Lonely Whistle, 2013).
A Magic Whistle "15." Bees (Rampart).
Byrnes / Foster "Six." Astringent (CMC Records, 2013).
Kevin Greenspon "Bracing." Bracing (Family Time, 2009).
Akio Suzuki "De Koolmees Suzuki Type." (excerpt) Soundsphere (Apollo, 1990).
Reverse Travelogue #48 (4.11.2013)
K.K. Null & Jim O'Rourke "Abyss." (excerpt) A New Kind Of Water (Charnel, 1992).
Ernesto Diaz-Infante / Helena Espvall "Hollow Earth Theory." (excerpt) A Hallowed Shell of Ash and Rust (Erototox, 2013).
Sung Kim "Shoeing The Mare." (Self-released, 2013).
Dereck Higgins "Bloched." Sonospheres II (Self-released, 2013).
Music For Hard Times "11-28 Eight." MMXI (Eden Gully, 2012).
Small Cruel Party "Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis." (excerpt) Do You Believe In A Pencil? (Self-released, 1991).
Kaiser / McNally / Byrnes "Particularly Clear In The Case." External Logic Machine (pfMentum, 2011).
Duo Baars-Henneman "Nine and Fifty Swans." Autumn Songs (Stichting Wig, 2013).
Francesco Gregoretti & Olivier Di Placido "Pulchi Nella Batteria." Mauvaise Haleine (Viande, 2012).
Ambibat "When We Knew How To Fly." Ambibat (Self-released, 1998).
Philip Corner "Ears/Bodies In Surakarta." Java Improvs (Pan Y Rosas, 2013).
Reverse Travelogue #47 (3.28.2013)
Fetish "II." (excerpt) Fetish (Tautology, 1999).
Das Synthesische Mischgewebe "Minimization - Pt. 3." The Escape Of The Electrified Dermatologist (Monochrome Vision, 2006).
Horaflora "Glibbertone." Horaflora/Bromp Treb 7" Split (Yeay! Cassettes, 2011).
Sung Kim "Thee Fawn In Transition." (Self-released, 2013).
Simon Whetham and Philippe Petit "De Biscanti." Meditations On Light (Monochrome Vision, 2011). Bob Marsh + Blaise Siwula "Short and Sweet." (Excerpt) (A+B)² (Self-released, 1988).
Glochids "Swell Sacsayhauman." Originals (Weird Ear, 2013).
Tomas Phillips + Dean King "Las Mailles." (excerpt) Las Mailles (Monochrome Vision, 2008).
Reverse Travelogue #46 (3.14.2013)
Woods "Cali In A Cup." Bend Beyond (Woodsist, 2012).
Bingo Trappers "King in Exile." Sierra Nevada (Shrimper / Sing Eunuchs!, 1997).
Kim Jung Mi "Always." Trilogy (Rhythmon, 2008).
Maher Shalal Hash Baz "Steet Corner College" Return Visit To Rock Mass (Org, 1996).
Lantana Koto Trio "1 + 1 + 1." Tanka (Sparkling Beatnick,2001).
Frank Pahl "Toy Suite." Remove the Cork (Demosaurus, 1998).
Scott Rosenberg Untitled (Track 2). IE (Barely Auditable, 1999).
Jeff Arnal "Percussion." (excerpt) Percussion (Generate, 2000).
Joe McPhee "Klatu." Mister Peabody Goes To Baltimore (Recorded, 2001).
Marcos Fernandes / Bill Horist "Kobe 2." Jerks and Creeps (Accretions, 2007).
T um' Untitled (Track 6). .01 (Cut, 2001).
Toy Killers "Away all Pests." The Unlistenable Years (UgExplode, 2008).
Alvarius B "Funny Thing Is." Baroque Primitiva (Poon Village, 2001).
Reverse Travelogue #45 (2.27.2013)
Hinds / Palmer / Stagner "Bushy Briers." A.S.A.P. Wings (Shaking Ray Records, 2007).
Borbetomagus & Shaking Ray Levis "I Want To be a Black Weight Named After Douglas." Coelacanth (Agaric, 1992).
The Recordings "Dyslexia." The Recordings (Megaphone, 1996).
Music For Hard Times "b.b.b.b.skreee." Moving Parts (Self-released, 2013).
Hal Rammel "Secret Tangent." Elsewheres (Penumbra, 1994).
Cloudchamber "On A Tranquillizing Safari." Safaris (Fylkingen, 2002).
Nihilist Spasm Band & Joe McPhee "Boing." No Borders (Non Musica Rex, 2001).
Genetti / Leonardson "Epic." Animus (Not In The Family, 1998).
Corse untitled (track1)." Corse (Bug Incision, 2011).
Bob Marsh "A Walk In The Park." Viovox (Public Eyesore, 2009).
AmbientBlack "Cailleach." Green Electrons (Self-released, 2010).
Mason Jones "They're Everywhere." Quiet Sparks (CIL Records, 2005).
Reverse Travelogue #44 (2.13.2013)
Thing "Hot Doug." Bag It! (Smalltown Supersound, 2009).
Frode Gjerstad Trio "Nothing." Nothing Is Forever (Circulasione Totale, 2008).
Boris Sinclair Hauf "Efzeg: In Buthan." Efzeg (Extraplate, 1999).
Carol Genetti "Severe Destructive Vibrations." The Shattering (Recorded, 2001).
David Samas "Our Beautiful Garden Is Open." (Self-released, 2012).
Nunn / McGee "Duo For Clarinet and Crustation." Plastic Critters (Edgetone, 2013).
Brett Larner And Seth Misterka "3.9.98." Koto (Newsonic, 1999).
Tomas Korber / Norbert Moslang / Hong Chulki untitled (Track 1). Signal To Noise Vol. 6 (For4Ears, 2008).
Nils Henrik Asheim / Paul Nilssen-Love "Late Play." Late Play (PNL Records, 2007).
Reverse Travelogue #43 (1.30.2013)
John Shiurba "1.1.5." 5x5 (Limited Sedition, 2004).
Stefan Dill "Sing, Heart of Joy." Flower and Song (Zerx Records, 2000).
Matt Davignon "96 Clocks." Bwoo (Edgetone, 2005).
The Lightbox Orchestra "#7 (Note)." First Contact! (Locust Music, 2002).
Nmperign "The Sea is Never Black." Second CD (Twisted Village, 1999).
Holz Für Europa "Varti 1.2." Comité Imaginaire (FMP, 1997).
Kyle Bruckmann "Rasps & Fractures." Gasps and Fissures (482 Music, 2004).
Brandon Miguel Valdivia / Kyle Brenders "sstkñ." Untitled (Bug Incision, 2012).
Jack Wright / Bob Falesch "Bee In Your Boppet." Clang (ZeroEggzie, 2001).
The Emergency String (X)tet "Meridian One." Meridians (Setola Di Maiala, 1999).
Jin Sangtae "Extension." (Excerpt) Extensity of Hard Disk Drive (Balloon & Needle, 2008).
Hong Chulki / Jin Sangtae / Kevin Parks Untitled (Track 4). 音影 (Celadon, 2011).
Duplant / Lenglet / Wadham Untitled (Track 4). Proverbes (Bug Incision, 2011).
Reverse Travelogue #42 (12.26.2012)
Amy Denio "Psycho Marlboro." Tutto Bene Canzoni Sulla Fisa (Spoot, 2010).
Bill Horist "Requiem For Endless Days." Covalent Lodge (North Pole, 2010).
Jeff Kaiser & Phil Skaller "Image of a Punctiform" Endless Pie (pfMentum, 2012).
Jurica "Broken Bells." Distant Memories (Alrealon, 2012).
Eugene S. Robinson / Philippe Petit "Dinner Done." (excerpt) Last of The Dead Hot Lovers (Truth Cult, 2012).
Thomas Carnacki "The Fall of Wappanger" The Disappearance of This Terrible Spool (Alethiometer, 2010).
The Gate Untitled (track 4). Vomit Dreams (Heat Retention Records, 2012).
Simony "Lacrymosa." 1.1 (Self-released, 2012).
Burro "Favourite Settings." Burnt Monument (Bug Incision, 2012).
Chris Dadge "Track 2" Silk Thousand (Bug Incision, 2010).
Sult "Rabk." Bark (Bug Incision, 2012).
Phosphor "P1." Phosphor (Potlatch, 2001).
Reverse Travelogue #41 (12.19.2012)
Kohoutek "Expansive Headache." Expansive Headache (Music Fellowship, 2007).
Jonathan Wood Vincent "Rooftop." Long Brooms of Infinite Horse (Self-released, 2011).
Diminished Men "Microphonic DST." Six O'Clock Baby (Bowels of Lunacy, 2011).
Ava Mendoza and Nick Tamburo "First Time Shapeshifter." Quit Your Unnatural Ways (Weird Forest, 2011).
Ghidra "Flaming Inner Mount." The Sound Of Speed (Sol Disk, 2007).
Nordeson / Shelton "Test." Incline (Singlespeed Music, 2011).
Thomas Carnacki "The Last Trip To Clown Town." Oar of Panmuphle (Alethiometer, 2012).
Sunshine Soldier "Liek." (Excerpt) Sunshine Soldier (Prom Night, 2012).
The Gate "Buried Blasphemy." (Excerpt) Destruction Of Darkness (Carrier, 2012).
William Hooker "Harmony." Strings 3 (New Atlantis, 2012).
Aperiodic "Voided." Future Feedback (Phratry Records, 2012).
The Anthropic Ensemble "Cargo Of Ginger And Cotton." EP (Self-released, 2012).
Bauer / Gordon / Mead "Mystery Of The Missing Particle." Beyond Transistors (Self-released, 2011).
Reverse Travelogue #40 (11.14.2012)
Cactus Truck "Search and Restore." Brand New For China! (Public Eyesore, 2012).
The Stickmen "Tall Dragger." Insatiable (Cunieform, 2001).
Matta Gawa "Musth." Tambora (New Atlantis, 2011).
Blues Control "Love's A Rondo." Valley Tangents (Drag City, 2012).
Jason Stein's Locksmith Isidore "Laced Up With Air." Three Less Than Between (Clean Feed, 2009).
Jeph Jerman "30 Minutes For Joe Jones." (excerpt) Jeph Jerman / AMK (Cohort, 2008).
Coppice "Mild Grey Lustre." Holes Tract (Consumer Waste, 2010).
Amanda Schoofs "(un)focussed." Subcutaneous Sound 2007 (Mills College, 2007).
Squid Fist "Sense Tive." Free Improvisation Twin Cities MN (Insides, 2010).
Justin Marc Lloyd "Abstract Yoga." (excerpt) Abstract Yoga (Rainbow Bridge, 2012).
Soul Cannon "Good Day Dream." The Mixed Ape (Self-released, 2011).
Broken Rope "Slight Of Eye." Straight Up Stolen (Self-released, 2012).
Reverse Travelogue #39 (11.7.2012)
Frank Fairfield "Fair Margaret and Sweet William." Frank Fairfield (Tompkins Square, 2009).
Rosa Margarita Ortega Track 15. Música Chapaca (Patiño, 1993).
Gétatchèw Mèkurya Track 5. Compilatie.
Luzmila Carpio "Al Cautiverio." Huaynos (2004).
The Black Napkins "Seagull." The Black Napkins (Rat Records, 2009).
Chicago Sound Map "Stop The Sound of The Big Bell." (excerpt) Performs Compositions by Olivia Block and Ernst Karel (Kuro Neko, 2008).
Jason Stein's Locksmith Isidore "Man Or Ray." Three Kinds of Happiness (Not Two, 2010).
John Fahey "Coelecanths." Womblife (Table of Elements, 1997).
Edward Ricart Quartet "Dermatoglyphics." Ancom (Slam, 2011).
Matta Gawa "Izezi And His bA." bA (Engine, 2010).
Joy Mega "I'm In Love With A Navajo Boy." Forever Is Something Inside Of You (New Atlantis, 2012).
Reverse Travelogue #38 (10.24.2012)
Charlie Mcalister "Shipwrecked Girl And Crabman." I'll See You In Hell (Tape Mountain, 2001).
Holy Modal Rounders "Moving Day." Holy Modal Rounders (Prestige, 1964).
Eugene Chadbourne "The Bully Song." Country Music Of Southeastern Australia (Entropy Stereo, 1997).
Alvarius B "Missy Undertaker." Blood Operatives Of The Barium Sunset (Abduction 2005).
M.A. Turner "A Sadder Dimension." Let's See The Rain Facer (Animal Disguise, 2009).
Samm Bennett "Venezia." Roomful of Ghosts (Polarity, 2009).
Skist "Proof." Ellipsis (Polarity, 2002).
Sic Alps "Surgeon And The Slave." Pleasures and Treasures (Animal Disguise, 2006).
Pak "Heat Wave." Motel (Ra Sounds, 2005).
Rangda "Idol's Eye." Formerly Extinct (Drag City, 2012).
Spiral Joy Band "Fields That Never Die." (excerpt) Forest and Falls (Self-released, 2011).
Aube "Aqua Syndrome I." Aqua Syndrome (Manifold, 1997).
Man-0-Gram for Maa'm "Sorry, Sorry, Sorry." (excerpt) Sorry, Sorry, Sorry (Orphanology, 2011).
Dave Phillips + R.H.Y. Yau "3." Illusion is a Natural Condition (Auscultare Research, 2005).
Reverse Travelogue #37 (10.17.2012)
Angel in Heavy Syrup "First Love." IV (Monotremata, 1999).
Shigehiko Matsui "Jhoshikousei To Solingen(Miss Mix)." (Self-released).
Blake Mackey "FFV." Hermitic Tradition Vol 1 (Architect Records, 2011).
Warmer Milks Untitled (Track 6). Soft Walks (Animal Disguise, 2008).
Boyle "11 October 2012." (Self-released, 2012).
Mammal "Drifter In The City." Lonesome Drifter (Animal Disguise, 2007).
Claws "5." Claws (Self-released, 2012).
Bunny Brains "Space Symphony #3." Sin Gulls (Menlo Park, 2000).
Mike Bullock "A Mountain (Coming Around)." (excerpt) A Mountain (Coming Around) (Homophoni, 2008).
Kazuya Ishigami "Devadata's Childhood." Trash, Rubbish, Poor Works (Neus-318, 2009).
Jin Sangtae "Sacrifice 2." (excerpt) Sacrifice 2 (Pilgrim Talk, 2012).
Alan Courtis "Coriandro." (excerpt) Unstringed Guitar and Cymbals (Blossoming Noise, 2008).
Thollem McDonas & Nicola Guazzaloca "Winnings For Backing." Noble Art (Amirani Records, 2009).
Philippe Petit "Movement 4." Hitch-Hiking Through Bronze Mirrors (Aagoo, 2012).
Lee Ranaldo "Time Stands Still." East Jesus (Atavistic, 1994).
Reverse Travelogue #36 (10.10.2012)
Dragibus "Naif Song." Tutti Frutti (Autobus, 2004).
Jon The Dog "Eleanor's Pizza Party." (Oz Disc, 1999).
A Tomato A Day "Kiddo Strikes Back." Sorry, Sterling (Tip Top).
Jug Jug Foot Foot "Cold Sun." Soy (Lowman, 2010).
Le Son De L'os "Carpathia." Old Sun (New Vague, 2012).
Byard Lancaster Unit "Last Summer." Live At MacAlester College (Porter, 2008).
Fuchs / Lindsay / Smith / Baghdassarians / Baltschun "Ma(r)ker #3." The Happymakers (Balance Point Acoustics, 2004).
Matthews / Burton / Ivy / Johnson "Pullover." Scrolling Up (Ilse, 2011).
Firmish Skirmish "Olive Eyed." Firmish Skirmish (Green Tape, 2012).
Zu & Eugene Chadbourne "Everybody Needs." The Zu Side of the Chadbourne (Felmay, 2000).
Daniel Higgs "Moharsing and Schoenhut." Ancestral Songs (Holy Mountain, 2006).
Paradise Club "Summer Day." Soundtrack to a Car on Fire (Self-released, 2012).
KK Null / Jim O'Rourke "Gibakaze." A New Kind Of Water (Charnel, 1993).
Susan Alcorn "The Furst Turning Of The Wheel." And I Await (Uma, 2007).
Robert Rutman "Lucid Dreaming." (excerpt) Music To Sleep By (Tresor, 1997).
Reverse Travelogue #35 (10.03.2012)
Thollem / Parker / Cline "In The World." The Gowanus Session (Porter, 2012).
PAS "To Understand Colours." Gravity's Drop Out (Alrealon, 2012).
Architeuthis Walks on Land "Below the Thermocline." Natura Naturans (Carrier, 2012).
New Niks "The Heavy Weight Hesitant." On (Self-released, 2012).
Terje Paulsen "Coastline." (excerpt) Coastline (Mystery Sea, 2010).
Stefan Roigk Track 4. For Sound = rnd(0)*2 (Self-released).
Zac Keiller "Stay." (excerpt) Stay (Dreamland, 2005).
Tracey Trance Side A. (excerpt) Hangtown USA (Self-released, 2010).
Regosphere "As A Coffin Nail." Full Of Holes Vol. II (Dumpsterscore, 2011).
Lucky Bone "Tuesdays Are Boring." A Very Lucky Xmas (Ursa Major, 2011).
I'D M Thfft Able "This Dusty Erection Lay'Midst Peacock Feathers." Hangin' Flacid Like A Wet Lilac (Friends And Relatives, 2012).
Philip Gayle "Gyo." The Mommy Row (Family Vinyard, 2005).
Maria Chavez "EOC Soundmaster." (Cave Collective, 2012).
Jin Sangtae "Dongmyo Line No 6." Metro_01 (PSGSound, 2006).
Kevin Parks + Joe Foster "Prince Rupert Drops." (excerpt) Prince Rupert Drops (Homophoni, 2009).
Reverse Travelogue #34 (9.26.2012)
Shaking Ray Levi's "Big For My Size." False Prophets Or Dang Good Guessers (Incus, 1992).
Jon Rose "Shopping for the Bird." Violin Music For Supermarkets (Megaphone, 1994).
Samm Bennett "From Which Side?" Metafunctional (Igloo, 1984).
Tsigoti "(Can) Don't Sleep Through This." Private Poverty (ESP Disk, 2009).
Bob Falesch + Katherine Hughes "Two Constellations." (excerpt) Two Constallations (ZeroEggzie, 2002).
Dimitri Voudouris "NPFAI.1." (excerpt) NPFAI.1 / Palmos / NPFAI.3 / Praxis (Pogus, 2006).
Animist Orchestra Track 1 (excerpt) Wuwei (Anomalous, 2002).
MaCU "Insight." Vol. 3 (Isolationist, 2010).
PAS "Sin." Pure Energy Output Sessions (PAS Records, 2010).
Architeuthis Walks on Land "Four Min Twenty-Seven Sec." s/t (Set Projects, 2007).
Numinous Eye "A Moment In Reflection." It's Coming Down (Self-released, 2008).
Ashtray Navigations "The Magic Legard." Idiot Music Lavatory Floor (2008)
Das Torpedos Side 1. (except) The Silence (Foreign Lands, 2002).
Bodychoke "Cold River Introduction." Completion (2FMP, 2004).
PBK + Zanstones "Shot White Sacrifice." Mantis Fog Desert (Monochrome Vision, 2011).
Merzbow "Ambient Study For Kinbaku-bi part 2." Music For Bondage Performance 2 (Extreme, 1996).
Reverse Travelogue #33 (9.19.2012)
Eftus Spectun "ºº." Turtus (Void Of Ovals, 2012).
Limited Express (Has Gone?) "Old Hong-Kong Restaurant." Feeds You! (Tzadik, 2003).
Jealousy Mountain Duo "Leaf Kickers." N° 02, The Home Of Easy Credit (Self-released, 2012).
Pretty Monsters "Feldspar." Pretty Monsters (Public Eyesore, 2012).
Yuri Landman Ensemble "That's Right, Go Cats." (excerpt) That's Right, Go Cats (Thick Syrup, 2012).
Nick Millevoi "Before A Constant." In White Sky (Flenser Records, 2012).
Things Falling Apart "One Must Not Move Quiet." (excerpt) One Must Not Move Quiet (Greentape, 2012).
Horaflora "The Gland Canyon." (excerpt) The Gland Canyon (Install, 2010).
Jay Kreimer "Black Out." Peter And The Moon Trip (Friends And Relatives, 2011).
Pierce Warnecke "Textures." (excerpt) Textures (Self-released, 2012).
Ohio Unsemble Side A. (excerpt) Ohio Unsemble (Factotum, 2012).
Starpause "Random Megamix." (excerpt) Random Megamix (Mp3death, 2004).
Pregnant Spore "Propagandolf."Universe Library Tick (Rainbow Bridge, 2010).
Distant Trains "Intro." Teen Lust (Centipede Farm, 2012).
Boyle "18 September, 2012." (Self-released, 2012).
Reverse Travelogue #32 (9.12.2012)
Jesse Kudler "Railway Bridge Over Washington Avenue, Between 25th And 26th Streets." Sound Places (Commotion, 2012).
Music For Hard Times "NGC 6543." Moving Plates (Docking Station, 2012)
Dryer / Heule / Lindsay "Meant and Memory." Idea Of West (Creative Sources, 2008).
Anka Draugelates & Cheryl E. Leonard "Erdbahnhof." Portholes (Self-released, 2012).
Big City Orchestra "Mediant." Cockamame (Ubuibi, 2012).
Jeff Thompson "Lamination." Wavering Spruce and 100,000 Blades Of Grass (Self-released).
Bst.cr Part 2. Bst.cr (Bug Incision, 2011).
Fslux "Crawl I." Crawl (Lewcid Joosebox, 2011).
Nullsleep "Ein Sof." Ein Sof (Mp3death, 2012).
Reverse Travelogue #30 (8.1.2012)
Kurmanjan Zakaria "Joyful Prairie." (Self-released).
Hamid Drake & Paolo Angeli "Corpo A Corpo." Uotha (Nu Bop, 2006).
Vlatkovch Tryyo "With Whom Each Dance." Perishing Woman (pfMentum, 2012).
Tom Nunn "Khee Say Khong." Burning Palms (Garuda, 2001).
Ernst Karel / Annette Krebs "Falter 4." Falter (Cathnor, 2010).
Greg Kelley / Olivia Block "How Much Radiance Can You Stand?" Resolution (Erstwhile, 2011).
David Andree "Part I." On Gathering (Aanjise, 2012).
Movietone "Red Earth." The Sand And Stars (Drag City, 2003).
Onna Kodomo "Ego Trip." Oboro (Self-Released, 2003).
.O.Rang "All Change." Herd Of Instinct (HitIt!, 1994).
Terje Paulsen "Elegy For Seabirds In Oil Pt. 1." Elegy For Seabirds In Oil (TIBProd, 2011).
Cheryl Leonard "Point Eight Ice." (Self-released, 2012).
PBK "In Sinews, In Heart That Hides." Under My Breath (Waystyx, 2009).
Reverse Travelogue #28 (7.18.2012)
Unknown "Ada Le O." Tibetan & Bhutanese Instrumental & Folk (Sub Rosa, 2006).
Master Musicians of Bukkake "Hidden From The Hidden Ones." The Visible Sign Of The Invisible Order (Abduction, 2004).
Eddie Detroit "Who Knows The Land." Jungle Captive (Majora, 1997).
Black Twig Pickers Untitled (Side A). Night Sounds Vol. 2 (Tor Press, 2012).
C.O.B. "Banjo Land." Spirit of Love (CBS, 1970).
Black Ox Orchestrar "Papir Iz Dokh Vays." Ver Tanzt? (Constellation, 2004).
Henry Flynt "Marines Hymn." Raga Electric (Locust Music, 2002).
Will Soderberg & Mike Khoury Untitled (Track 1). Volume VI (Detroit Improvisation / White Rose Network, 2012).
Kris Gruda "Room Of Supposed Living." The Cave And Thereabouts (Ilse, 2011).
Tim Olive Untitled (Track 2). The Specialist (Em, 2009).
Chas Smith "Rubric Of Green." Aluminum Overcast (Cold Blue Music, 2001).
Blaize / Jerman / Johnson "Sky Bells (Part I)." (Excerpt) Sky Bells (Avant Archive, 2012).
Reverse Travelogue #28 (7.4.2012)
The Uyghur Musicians From Xinjiang "Mudan Khan" Music From The Oasis Towns of Central Asia (Globe Style, 2000).
The Uyghur Musicians From Xinjiang " Raq Muqam Of Ili" Music From The Oasis Towns of Central Asia (Globe Style, 2000).
Ishraqiyun "The Balance Of The 19." Ishraqiyun / Electromagnetic Azoth (Web Of Mimicry, 2007).
Shalabi Effect "Pai Nai." Unfortunately (Alien8, 2005).
Nick Millevoi "Warm Green Discs." Black Figure of a Bird (New Atlantis, 2011).
Peter Brötzmann Octet "Responsible." Machine Gun (FMP, 1990).
Ye Ren "It Was Rich's Race." Another Shining Path (Drimala, 1999).
Ulher / Shibolet / Snir / Brenner / Mayer / Smith / Bymel "1." YCLEPT (Balance Point Acoustics, 2009).
Genetti / Smith / Lonberg-Holm "Deadly Togetherness." Sense of Hearing (Balance Point Acoustics, 2003).
Pholde "Present In Some Utterances." Finding Internal Asylum (C3R Records, 2007).
Don Cherry "Orient." (excerpt) Orient (Affinity, 1982).
Reverse Travelogue #27 (6.20.2012)
Black Eagle Child "Leadowmark." Black Eagle Child (Housecraft Records, 2008).
Place Called Space "Room." Place Called Space (Gyuune, 2001).
Caron "Rain Appearance." Watashimori (Pong Kong, 2012).
Ed Askew "Songs for Pilots." Little Eyes (De Stijl, 2005).
Alice Hui-Sheng Chang "There She Is, Standing And Walking On Her Own." An Anthology Of Chinese Experimental Music 1992-2008 (Sub Rosa, 2009).
Ying Fan "L2255 Mix." An Anthology Of Chinese Experimental Music 1992-2008 (Sub Rosa, 2009).
Paul Panhuysen "Long Strings." Lost For Words (Table Of Elements, 2007).
Alasehir "Jinn." Sharing The Sacred (Important, 2005).
Bunny Brains "Biscuit (In The) Oven." Show Me The Bunny (Narnack, 2004).
Greg Davis "States (2)." (excerpt) States (2) (GoldTimers Tapes, 2011).
Tim Kaiser "Slow Train Concrete." Insect Mantras (Nekorekords, 2011).
Reverse Travelogue #26 (5.30.2012)
Bob Bannister "Alap." Eight Day Clock (Twisted Village, 1992).
Yasushi / Yuko Untitled (Track 2). Yasushi / Yuko (Self-released, 2012).
Behold The Beast, For Which I Have Turned Back "Opiparo." Silver Horns For The Beastlands (Shifting Sands Congregation, 2012).
Warmth "Brain In The." Leave Your Wet Brain In The Hot Sun (Digitalis, 2007).
Day & Taxi "La Petit Princesse." All (Percasso, 1992).
Bonnie Barnett Group "Set In Stone." In Between Dreams (pfMentum, 2011).
Hans Fjellestad "Ex Vivo." Snails R Sexy (Accretions, 2007).
Archer Spade Untitled (Track 3). Live (Self-released, 2012).
Moon Face Boys Track 4. Party (Suhaaku-Haaksu, 2010).
Philippe Petit "Movement VIII." Oneiric Rings On Grey Velvet (Aagoo, 2012).
Nick Didkovsky "Machinecore." Tube Mouth Bow String (Pogus, 2006).
Sky Thing "Blast Place." Garbage Strike (Pan Y Rosas Discos, 2012).
Yol "Scratchcard." Push To Shove (Self-Released, 2012).
Goh Lee Kwang Untitled (Track 4). Innere Freuden / Internal Pleasures (Herbal, 2004).
Reverse Travelogue #25 (5.16.2012)
Neung Phak "Khmer 28." 2 (Abduction, 2012).
Sun City Girls "Kal El Lazi Kad Ham." Eye Mohini (Majora, 1992).
Katherine Young "Orbus Tertius." Further Secret Origins (Porter, 2009).
Invisible Sports "Saving Hour." Ow Pow Hero Hour (Songs From Under The Floorboards, 2012).
Andrea Neumann / Bonnie Jones "3n1m4n." Green Just As I Could See (Erstwhile, 2012).
Tasos Stamou "Study 2." Seven Synth Drone Studies (Triple Bath, 2012).
Renaldo and The Loaf "Lonely Rosa." Arabic Yodeling (Ralph, 1983).
Moff Skelington "Hap-Happy Song." Thorny Conduits (Uterus Cottage, 2012).
Pneumershonic "Thelonious Paul." Frequencies of the Beast (In Poly Sons, 1997).
My Pal Foot Foot "Kotoburi" Floating Garden (w/ Kes Band) (Suhaak-Haaksu, 2010).
Many Arms "Rising Artifacts In A Five-Pont Field." Many Arms (Tzadik, 2012).
Nancy Garcia "Find Out." Be The Climb (Ecstatic Peace, 2009).
Suzuki Junzo "Shivering Larry's Last Freak Out." Ode To A Blue Ghost (Utech, 2012).
Reverse Travelogue #24 (5.2.2012)
Michael Yonkers "Sunflower." Grimwood (De Stijl, 2007).
Richard Youngs "Time is Time." New Angloid Sound (Forced Exposure, 1992).
Godz "Soon The Moon." Godz 2 (ESP Disk, 1967).
My Pal Foot Foot "Doll Boy." Black Knight, Black Tie... Where Do The Strangers Meet? (Majikick, 2002).
Layne Garrett w/ Janel Leppin "4." Together / Apart (Sockets, 2009).
Michael Khoury & Ryan Jewell "2." Squall Line Bow Echo (Triple Bath, 2009).
Naranjo, Stankova, Young Trio "Septiembre Cuatro." Verdure Into Onyx (Peira, 2012).
Extraordinary Popular Delusions "Screen Door Slam." Apocryphal Fire In the Warehouse, And Other Explanations (Harmonic Convergence, 2011).
Le Son De L'os "Voyageur 4." Grass Pillow (P.S.F., 2010).
Philippe Petit w/ Justin Broadrick "Murmers." Una Symphonia Della Paura (Utech, 2012).
Maile Colbert "Her Light Dappled Upon." For (Songs From Under The Floorboards, 2012).
Alfredo Costa Montiero "Umbralia." (excerpt) Umbralia (Triple Bath, 2011).
Rain Drinkers "Cast of The Rye Wolf." (excerpt) Cast of The Rye Wolf (Shifting Sands Congregation, 2012).
Reverse Travelogue #23 (4.18.2012)
Neung Phak "Inside The Program." Neung Phak (Abduction, 2003).
Electric Simcha "Oz V'Hadar." Electric Simcha (Self-released, 2010).
Spires That In The Sunset Rise "Leader of Change." First Live Show (Self-released, 2001).
Toby Driver "The Lugubrious Library Loft." (excerpt) In The L..L..Library Loft (Tzadik, 2005).
Sandy Ewen / Damon Smith / Weasel Walter "7." Untitled (ugExplode, 2012).
Katt Hernandez "Flight." (excerpt) Flight (Desperate Commodities, 2009).
Rainey / Wright / Lonberg-Holm / Marsh "Double Force." Double Double (Spring Garden Music, 2002).
Moff Skellington "Under The Parish Lantern." The Corrosive Norm (Invisible Girl Records, 2010).
Khalid Mehmood "Ala Baladi El Mahboub." Live (Self-released, 2011).
Strings of Consciousness "Bugged." From Beyond Love (Staubgold, 2012).
MaCu "Nightflight." (excerpt) Nightflight (Twisted Tree Line, 2011).
Eric Glick Rieman "Transmigrating Flock of Beliefs." In My Mind, Her Image Was Reversed (Accretions, 2011).
Irr. App. (Ext.) "The Demiurge's Presumption." Ozeanische Gefühle (Helen Scarsdale Agency, 2001).
Reverse Travelogue #22 (4.4.2012)
Bailey / Palmer / Stagner "Catfish Night." (excerpt) Live at Lamar's (Shaking Ray Records, 2004).
Skaller / Holt Duo "Frac." Music of Mark Dresser (pfMentum, 2010).
Jason Robinson "Broken Seals." Cerberus Reigning (Accretions, 2010).
Federico Barabino & Günter Müller "1." (excerpt) Merging Layers (Triple Bath, 2009).
MaCu "Part VI." Retrospectives (InnerCinema, 2012).
Tom Hamilton "Crimson Sterling Mvt II." Formal & Informal Music (Kvist, 2009).
Vibracatherdal Orchestra "Stole Some Sentimental Jewelry." (excerpt) Tuning To The Rooster (Important, 2004).
Circulation Of Light "I." Twilit Homeland (Shifting Sands Congregation, 2012).
Zanzibar Snails "Forager." Caveat Emperor (Ikuisuus, 2010).
Green Blossoms "More Birds." Whiskey Leaves (Digitalis, 2009).
RP Collier "Invocatory." Platz (self-released, 2012).
Voice Crack / Günter Müller / Jim O'Rourke "Hair Toaster." Table Chair And Hatstand (For 4 Ears, 1996).
Tim Glenn "Prismatic Elm." Prismatic Elm (Insides Music, 2006).
Reverse Travelogue #21 (3.14.2012)
Scissors Girls "Anti-FUT Nos. 1, 2." We People Space With Phantoms (Atavistic, 1996).
Happy New Year "Objects Are Closer Than They Appear." Happy New Year (Megaphone, 1994).
Pink Mountain "Circling The 7th Planet." Pink Mountain (Frenetic, 2006).
Menstruation Sisters Untitled 2. MA (No Fun, 2008).
Santiago Latorre "Canon." Orbita (Accretions, 2008).
Philippe Petit "Her Fortress Is a Bronze Mirror." Oneiric Rings On Grey Velvet (Aagoo, 2012).
FrzImagho "Sept." FrzImagho and Moon (Burning Emptiness, 2012).
Johnston / Gilmore / Khoury / Lucas "Hidden 13." The Hidden (Triple Bath, 2007).
Jeremy Kelly "August Bootfire." Jeremy Kelly (Digitalis, 2008).
Ben Vida "DGDGBD 092199." Mpls. (Boxmedia, 2000).
Loren MazzaCane Connors "MCC/M/M Trio." (excerpt) A Possible Dawn (hatNOIR, 1997).
Ben Bennett "Wawonais'sa." Wiperwill (Self-released, 2011).
CS Yeh "Comedy Fx." The Strangler (Chocolate Monk, 2009).
Das Torpedos "IV." A Century Of Space (Seagull, 2002).
Foust! "Junle Fever." (excerpt) Jungle Fever (Swill Radio, 2010).
Reverse Travelogue #20 (2.22.2012)
Circuit Des Yeux "3311." Portrait (De Stijl, 2011).
Pocahaunted "All Of Is Of." Make it Real (Not Not Fun, 2010).
Islaja "Vaeltajan Laulu." Palaa Aurinkoon (Fonal, 2005).
Second Family Band "Crippled Fingers." (excerpt) Crippled Fingers (Shifting Sands Congregation, 2011).
Cactus Truck "Limped." Untitled (Self-released, 2011).
Mayo Grout’s Known Universe "Short I Am." Mayo Grout’s Known Universe (pfMentum, 2009).
Fred Lonberg-Holm / Michael Zerang "3." 35 Grapes (19 Shown) (Boxmedia, 1998).
Xedh "The Cube." Vinduskarm (Triple Bath, 2009).
Lunt "Defenseless Smoke." The Third of Me (Another Records, 2004).
Nels Cline Singers "Harbor Child." Instrumentals (Cryptogramophone, 2002).
The Dove Azima "Untitled VII." The Dove Azima (Oakhill Records, 2011).
TV Pow "Chicago Underground Laptop Trio." Presents... (Southport, 2006).
Hugh Davies + Adam Bohman / Lee Patterson / Mark Wastell "2 Springs + 3." For Hugh Davies (Another Timbre, 2008).
Tim Barnes / David Daniell / Jeph Jerman / Sean Meehan "2." (excerpt) Live 7 22 04 Soundlab, Buffalo NY (AARC, 2009).
Reverse Travelogue #19 (2.8.2012)
Talibam! "Explosive Soul." (Excerpt) The Excusable Earthling (Pendu Sound Recordings, 2007).
Monotract "The Ballad Of Lechon." Trueno Oscuro (Load, 2007).
Sword Heaven "Sights Not Long Gone." Entrance (Load, 2007).
Sightings "Infinity of Stops." Absolutes (Load, 2003).
Katherine Young "Chapter 1." Things Suspended Converge And Fall (Mandorla, 2009).
Michael Vlatkovich Ensemblio "JMZ 1." An Autobiography Of A Pronoun (pfMentum, 2011).
Shoji Hano "Dayraku I." Tayhei Nipon (Package, 1991).
Psychic Ills "Fingernail Tea." Mirror Eye (The Social Registry, 2008).
Weyes Blood And The Dark Juices "Dream Song." The Outside Room (Not Not Fun, 2011)
MV & EE with the Golden Road "Coon Can Huzz." Foxgod In Flight (Heroine Celestial Agriculture, 2007).
A Tomato A Day "Moonshine." The Moon Is Green (Public Eyesore, 2008).
Nathan Phillips untitled (Track 6). Kinda Music (Insides Music, 2006).
Barthel Gadau Kepp / Röther Weibel untitled (Track 2). (Excerpt) Radio Student (Hymns, 2009).
Jason Kahn "Beautiful Ghost Wave." (Excerpt) Beautiful Ghost Wave (Herbal, 2011).
Reverse Travelogue #18 (2.1.2012)
Happy Jawbone Family Band "At The Hotel Double Tragedy (Take 1)." Hotel Double Tragedy (Feeding Tube, 2010).
Sekiri "Number." Sekiri (Beat Crazy, 1985).
Las Kellies "Dance The Seance." Kellies (Fire Records, 2011).
Quintron "Meet Me At The Clubhouse." These Hands Of Mine (Skingraft, 1998).
Many Arms "The Year 500 Billion." Palabras Malas (Self-releasd, 2009).
PAS "Horror Noir On A Sunny Day." Flanked By Women And Pumpkins (Alrealon Musique, 2011).
Post Prandials "Good Day." Flight (Artichoke / Tristero, 1993).
KaiBorg "Nodular."Harvesting Metadata (pfMentutm, 2009).
Thomas Kyhn Rovsing Hjørnet "Seksualobjekterne Derhjemme." No. 20 (Self-released, 2010).
Jack Wright Nonet "Track 1." Live In Detroit (Friends and Relatives, 2008).
Lazily Spun "Old Guy." The Serotonin Ronin II (Camera Obscura, 2000).
Fern Knight "Cups And Wands." Castings (VHF, 2010).
Helena Espvall & Masaki Batoh "Neko Nemurenai." Helena Espvall & Masaki Batoh (Drag City, 2008).
Falafel Avantgarde "Pizza Little Party (Very Big In Bombay)." (excerpt) Risky Golf (Earsay, 1999).
Anla Courtis "Bayas Escurridas Por Radio." Las Sales Fundentes (Om: Discos, 2007).
Lucio Capece / Lee Patterson "Sostener." Empty Matter (Another Timbre, 2009).
Edward Ruchalski "Part One." Dark Night (Afe Records, 2007).
Reverse Travelogue #17 (1.18.2012)
Sinistri "Black Vamp #1." Free Pulse (Häpna, 2005).
Magik Markers "Pinkie Brown Goes To The Shore." The Voldoror Dance (Latitudes, 2006).
Ettrick "My Death Prefigures My Rebirth." (self-released, 2006).
Gang Wizard "The Pretty Ape." Byzantine Headache (Load, 2006).
Family Battle Snake untitled (track 1). (excerpt) Optimistic Suburbia (Chocolate Monk, 2008).
Burning Star Core "Nyarlathotep." The Very Heart Of The World (Thin Wrist Recordings, 2005).
Organum "Arc." Arc (Aeroplane, 1996).
Charles Rice Goff III & Michael F. LaGrega "Funf." Innerhalb (Taped Rugs, 2009).
Hinds / Palmer / Stagner "Red Rider." A.S.A.P. Wings (Shaking Ray Records, 2007).
Quadrivium "Death Of / To Quadrivium." (excerpt) Death Of / To Quadrivium (Insides, 2000).
Dislocation "M1." Out Of Memory (Spirals Of Involution, 2001).
Masayuki Takayanagi "Inanimate Nature III." Inanimate Nature (Jinya, 1990).
Tim Hecker "Aerial Silver." Mirages (Alien8, 2004).
Eric Cordier / Seijiro Murayama untitled (track 2). Nuit (Herbal, 2010).
Reverse Travelogue #16 (1.4.2012)
Cerberus Shoal "The Land We All Believe In." The Land We All Believe In (North East Indie, 2005).
Hair Police "Skull Mold." Obedience Cuts (Freedom From, 2004).
Health "Severin." Get Color (Lovepump United, 2009).
Rice Corpse "Peking Duck." Mrs. Rice (Dual Plover, 2009).
Susan Alcorn "The Second Turning Of The Wheel." And I await (Uma SOunds, 2007).
Pascal Battus "Percussion Verticale." Simbol / L'Unique Trait D' Pinceau (Herbal, 2011).
Hilary Mulaney "Green Gates" (self-released, 2011).
Goh Lee Kwang "cOnnEctIOn." _ & Vice Versa (Herbal, 2011).
Leif Elggren "45 Minutes From Beneath The Beds." (excerpt) 45 Minutes From Beneath The Beds (Absurd, 2000).
Chas Smith "Gate 5." Aluminum Overcast (Cold Blue Music, 2001).
T.D. Skatchit & Company "Gong Door." T.D. Skatchit & Company (Edgetone, 2009).
Harry Bertoia "Sounds Beyond." (excerpt) Unfolding (P.S.F., 1993).
Reverse Travelogue #15 (12.21.2011)
U.S. Maple "Babe." Acre Thrills (Drag City, 2001).
Debile Menthol "A Chacun Son Accent." Battre Campagne (RecRec Music, 1984).
Renaldo & The Loaf "Bearded Cats." Arabic Yodelling (Ralph, 1983).
Shaking Ray Levi's "Poultry Boy." Boss Witch (Shaking Ray, 1997).
Music From The Film "Come And See." World War Tree (self-released, 2009).
Dream Society "Mother Moon." Dream Society (Green Tape, 2011).
Ryan Jewell "1." (excerpt) Autodidact Starfruit Motherfucker (Chocolate Monk, 2008).
Swamp Horse "Oracle." (excerpt) Oracle (Dumpsterscore, 2010).
Young Dong Kim "The Wooden Fish." Seon Korea (Seoul Records, 1988).
Sainkho Namchylak "Letter 4." Letters (Leo, 1993).
Knot + Over "05-16-07." (excerpt) Live (self-released, 2008).
Tu M' untitled (track 6). 01 (Cut, 2001).
R.P. Collier "Micro-Rhapsody." Radio Tracks (self-released, 2011).
T.D. Skatchit & Company "Memory Arcade." Skatch Migration (Edgetone, 2010).
Edward Ruchalski "More Train." Moveable Sites (Humbug, 2002).
Reverse Travelogue #14 (12.07.2011)
Andreas Brandal "The Burning Room." This Is Not For You (eh? 2008).
Chefkirk "Gross Pyramids." We Must Leave The Warren (eh? 2011).
Foust! "Strange Deliriums." Space Sickness (eh? 2011).
Croatan Ensemble "Defacement." Without (eh? 2008).
Psychotic Quartet "Entropy Is Information." Sphaleron (eh? 2011).
D.B.H. "All The Money Is Gone Pt. 2 ." Wave The Old Wave (eh? 2007).
Dislocation "View 4." Mud Layer Cake (eh? 2011).
Dikeman / Barrios / Makihara "untitled 2." We Need You (eh? 2007).
Epicureans "Cumulative Wound." A Riddle Within a Conundrum Within a Game (eh? 2008).
Hag "Spit." Moist Areas (eh? 2011).
KBD(uo) "untitled 3." Any Port In A Storm (eh? 2011).
Strongly Imploded "Astute Prophets Of False Truth." Twilight of Broken Machines (eh? 2011).
Delplanque / Oldman "Part 3." Chapelle De L'Oratoire (eh? 2009).
Arias / Frasconi / Uenishi "Object." Object (eh? 2008).
Falascone / Marsh "Facciamo." Non Troppo Lontano (eh? 2009).
Brekekekexkoaxkoax "These Are Mere Words, Powerless, Useless." I Manage To Get Out by a Secret Door (eh? 2007).
Reverse Travelogue #13 (11.30.2011)
Nagisa Ni Te "Anxiety." Dream Sounds (Org 2004).
Halo Benders "Big Rock Candy Mountain." God Don't Make No Junk (K 1994).
Alvarius B "The Demon 360." Blood Operatives Of The Barium Sunset (Abduction 2005).
Ralph White "High On A Mountaintop." The Hanged Man (Sloow Tapes 2011).
Buddha Mind Big Band "Unbounded Virtues." In Time (Ikuisuus 2010).
Blood Stereo "Tape Has Natural Voice." (excerpt) Palatine Arches... (Chocolate Monk 2011).
Eyes Like Saucers "Sun and Moon." Parmalee, Tribute to a Dog (Ikuisuus 2009).
Andreas Brandal "Level." Drive Home With A Hammer (Quasi Pop 2005).
Jacks "Bari-Manji." Vacant World (Toshiba 1968).
Magical Power Mako "Restraint, Freedom." Magical Power Mako (Polydor 1973).
James Blackshaw "Key." The Glass Bead (Young God 2009).
Growing "Drone Burgler." Pumps (Vice Music 2010).
Hans Reichel "For Those Who Love Propellers." Lower Lurum (Rastascan 1994).
Mark Applebaum "Licensed to Fail." Catfish (Tzadik 2003).
Sabrina Siegel "Karma 1." (excerpt) Karma Trinley Drolma (Re:konstruKt 2011).
Vector Trio "Panabaj." Paths Unknown (Self-released 2006).
Reverse Travelogue #12 (11.16.2011)
No Age "Impossible Bouquet." Nouns (Sub Pop 2008).
Dead C "Truth." The Damned (Starlight Furniture 2003).
Zoo "Kupu-Kupu" Trilogi Peradaban (Dual Plover 2010).
Transmission "White Walls / White Skin." Untitled (Audible Hiss 1996).
Psychedelic Horseshit "Bad Vibrations." Magic Flowers Droned (Siltbreeze 2007).
Patrick Breiner "But I've Never Been to Whitehall." Vartan Mamigonian (Self-Released 2008).
Aram Shelton's Fast Citzens "I am Here You Are There." Two Cities (Delmark 2009).
Onnyk "CON." In A Trice (Bishop / Allelopathy 2006).
Hans Reichel "The Frogs of Miwa-Cho (I)." Coco Bolo Nights (FMP 1989).
Jugz "No More." 9 Seeds (Lowman 2011).
The Shoe "Raccoon." At Lem Jay's Garage (There Was An Old Woman 2008).
Sun City Girls "Archaeoptryx In The Slammer." Kaliflower (Abduction 1993).
Komais Ternan & Mohammed Kadri "Raks Fazani." Secret Museum of Mankind 3 (Yazoo 1996).
Yagihashi Tsukasa "B1." Automatic 2010 (Self-Released 2010).
Pål Asle Pettersen "Komposisjon 15." Komposisjon 2005-2008 (Zang 2008).
Toy Bizarre "Kdi Dctb 116." (excerpt) Kdi Dctb 116 (Absurd 2001).
Murmer "Untitled (Track 2)." We Share A Shadow (Helen Scarsdale Agency 2007).
Reverse Travelogue #11 (11.5.2011)
Amps for Christ "Shes with Me." The Oak in The Ashes (Shrimper 2001).
Borbetomagus + Shaking Ray Levis "Coelacanth." Coelacanth (Agaric 1992).
Flying Luttenbachers "Bleeding in Bed." Alptraum (Pandemonium 2000).
Master Musicians of Bukkake "My Dust Will Be What I Am." The Visible Sign Of The Invisible Order (Abduction 2004).
Bill Horist "Salt Stung, her Telluric Lips." The Psoriasis Coast (Aphonia Recordings 2010).
Phosphor "P7." (excerpt) Phosphor II (Potlatch 2009).
Tim Kaiser "Side A" (excerpt) Numbers Station (Créme DeMentia Records 2011).
Hal Rammel "The Undiscovered 1" Midwest Disquiet (Penumbra 2010).
Keijo "To The Sea." Boom Town (Ikuisuus 2010).
Brothers of the Occult Sisterhood "The Theoton Often Lies." Grass Openings (Ikuisuus 2009).
Athman bin Khamis "Coconut Picker's Song." Kenya and Tanzania: Witchcraft & Ritual Music (Nonesuch 1975).
Naruwan "Bright As The Eyes of Frogs." Brazil Meets Taiwan (Spoot 2008).
Witcyst "Untitled (Track 14)." Untitled (Humbug 2002).
Phoned Nil Trio "King Rat." (excerpt) Big Time Weepers (FTAM 2011).
Renato Rinaldi "Untitled (Track 6)." We Shall Overtone (Last Visible Dog 2009).
Reverse Travelogue #10 (10.29.2011)
Wet Hair "Ordinary Lives." Dream (Not Not Fun 2009).
Satanized "Arnaud de Verniolle." Technical Virginity (Skin Graft 2011).
Skoal Kodiak "Pinomage." Kryptonym Bodliak (Load 2011).
Reynols "Lohr Pocheros Misulini." Polos Mosco (Freedom From 1999).
Russian Tsarlag "Both Of Us." split w/ D.B.H. (Friends and Relatives 2011).
Fibo Trespo "8.01% Action."(excerpt) 8.01% Action (Humbug 2002).
Old Bombs "Audia 4." Audios (Soft Abuse 2003).
Magma "Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh."(excerpt) Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh (Seventh Records 1973).
Daimonji "Starstruck."(excerpt) Into A Blind Alley (God Mountain 2005).
Sych "Hermetic Mosaic." Lunar Roulette (Strange Attractors 2011).
Jaron Childs "Alto Saxophone Field Recording."(Excerpt) Alto Saxophone Field Recording (Insides 2007).
John Butcher / Gino Robair "Camorra." Apophenia (Rastascan 2011).
Chapter 24 & Philippe Petit "Dust Mites." The Red Giant Meets The White Dwarf (Boring Machines 2011).
Reverse Travelogue #9 (10.15.2011)
Fast 'n' Bulbous "Click Clack/Ice Cream for Crow." Waxed Oop (Cuneiform 2009).
Cheer-Accident "Blue Cheadle ." Fear Draws Misfortune (Cuneiform 2009).
RonRuins "Sinra Bansho." Ketsunoana (Pandemonium 1998).
Capillary Action "Feeding Frenzy ." Capsized (Natural Selection 2011).
Skything "Vinyl Symbol." Howdy Cloud (Friends and Relatives 2010).
Motland/Lonberg-Holm/Solberg/Gjerstad "BVFV." VCDC (Hispid 2011).
Tiny Music "Side A."(excerpt) Tiny Music (Nihilist 2008).
KB(Duo) "Untitled(3)." Any Port In A Storm (Eh? 2011).
Robin Williamson "Her Scattered Gold." American Stonehenge (Edsel 1978).
Alasdair Roberts and Friends "Young Emily." Too Long in This Condition (Drag City 2010).
Amanaz "Amanaz." Africa (QDK 1975).
Love "A House Is Not A Motel." Forever Changes (Electra 1967).
Strings of Consciousness & Angel "#2."(excerpt) Strings of Consciousness & Angel (Important 2009).
Startless "Startless."(excerpt) Startless (C.I.P. 2011).
Reverse Travelogue #8 (10.1.2011)
Julian Cope "Laughing Boy." Fried (Mercury 1984).
The Godz "Permanent Green Light." Godz 2 (Fontana 1969).
Ya Ho Wa 13 "Ho." Penetration, An Aquarian Symphony (Higher Key Records 1974).
Amen Dunes "Amen Dunes." Dia (Locust 2009).
Dump "Clarity." A Plea For Tenderness (Brinkman Records 1997).
Napoleon Blownaparte "Track 6." November & March (Green Tape 2010).
Dino Felipe "07 RS." Radico Syntape (Insides Music 2005).
Billy Bao "Dame Kritmo." R'n'R Granulator (W.M.O./r 2005).
Rothko "Be Invisible." Eleven Stages of Intervention (BiP_HOp 2007).
Xavier Quijas Yxayotl "Mazatl - Venado - Deer." America Indigena (Self-released 1994).
Nemit bin Blentet "Reog Ponorogo." The Javanese Gamelan (King Records 1987).
Fred Lonberg-Holm & Piotr Melech "Slit in Slot." Coarse Day (Multikulti Project 2011).
Friction Brothers "1." Friction Brothers (Sort of Records 2008).
Alfredo Costa Monteiro & Tim Olive "Beast Wind."(excerpt) A Theory Of Possible Utterance (Zeromoon 2011).
Reverse Travelogue #7 (9.24.2011)
Alastair Galbraith "Ember." Mirrorwork (Emperor Jones 1998).
Shadow Ring "City Lights." City Lights (Dry Leaf Discs 1993).
Half Japanese "Dream Date." 1/2 Gentlemen / Not Beasts (Armageddon 1980).
Lollipop Shoppe "You Must Be a Witch." Just Colour (Uni 1968).
Matsudaira Akira & Mamechiyo "Yuuhi wa Ochite." Showa Era Best Hit Songs (King Records 1954).
Son of P.M. "Kaektoimor (Talung)." Hey Klong Yao! (Em 1960).
Sylvestre Randafison "Takariva Diavolana." Madagascar Valiha (Air Mail Music 2002).
The Scottish Rogues "March, Strathspey and Reel." Hollerin' For Haggis (SRC 1996).
Toshi Makihara & Jim Meneses "Horsham." Next Bug (Sonore 2001).
Dino Felipe "Rinse, Then Dry." Flim Toby (Schematic 2002).
Monotract "Fuckin' Randolph." Pagu (Public Eyesore 2002).
Casino Vs. Japan "Nuclear Weapons Were Invented In 1945 (Part 2)." Casino Vs. Japan (Star Star Stereo 1998).
Oval "Untitled (Track 10)." Ovalprocess (Thrill Jockey 2000).
Mike Shiflet "Web Over Glen Echo." LLanos (Editions Shiflet 2010).
Le Son De L'os "Still Water." (excerpt) Tokyo Flashback 7 (P.S.F. 2009).
Keeril Makan "Twister II." Target (Starkland 2011).
Reverse Travelogue #6 (9.17.2011)
The Chills "Pink Frost." Kaleidoscope World (Flying Nun 1986).
Chris Knox "Instant Mashed Potato II." Songs Of You And Me (Flying Nun 1995).
Mayo Thomson "Around The Home." Corky's Debt To His Father (Drag City 1994/1969).
Brigitte Fontaine "Le Goudron." Comme À La Radio (Saravah 1969).
The Birdtree "Red Midnight Raven." Orchards and Caravans (Last Visible Dog 2003).
Nick Schillace "Across The Valley." Box Canyon (American Sketch Records 2005).
Abdeslam Cherkaoui "Ya Hbibi Malek Sahi." Arabic Traditional Music (Naïve 1987).
Look De Bouk "A Ma Soeur Pour Ses Chevaux De Basse-Saxe." Lacrimae Rerum (Ayaa 1985).
Jim Baker "Is It Still Mime If They're Deaf." More Questions Than Answers (Delmark 2005).
Uncle Woody Sullender "A Measure of Dasein." (excerpt) Live at Barkenhoff (Künstlerhäuser Worpswede 2008).
Dylan Nyoukis & Jaap Blonk "Snippermannen (Dicta Take)." Dubbletwee (Ecstatic Peace! 2008).
Jarvis / Joincey / Todd "Village Circuit." All Aboard The Good Ship Marginalia (Betley Welcomes Careful Drivers 2001).
Pauline Oliveros "Cyber Talk." (excerpt) Quartet for the End of Space (Pogus 2011).
Jason Kahn & Richard Francis "Track 4." (excerpt) Jason Kahn & Richard Francis (Monochrome Vision 2009).
K. Leimer "Declension Of Need." (excerpt) The Useless Lesson (Palace Of Lights 2007).
Reverse Travelogue #5 (9.10.2011)
Pharoah Sanders "Astral Traveling." Thembi (Impulse!, 1971).
Club d'Elf "Sunshine of Your Love." Electric Moroccoland (Face Pelt Records, 2011).
Konono No. 1 "Kule Kule." Congotronics (Crammed Discs, 2004).
R.P. Collier "Track 3." Sketchbook 7 (Self-released, 2002).
Shalabi Effect "Sundog Ash." The Trial Of St-Orange (Alien8 Recordings, 2002).
Paul Metzger "Track 1." (exerpt) Three Improvisations On Modified Banjo (Chairkickers' Music, 2005).
Hans Reichel "A Poor Man Must Watch Out." Coco Bolo Nights (FMP, 1989).
K9 Arts "Endo Enera." K9 Arts (Self-released, 1997).
Nekomushi "Track 2." Nekomushi (Nekotama, 1999).
Suzuki Junzo "Te Wo Furu Yo." Four Dimensions Twist Pt. 2 (Rouman, 2008).
Holy Modal Rounders "Moving Day." Holy Modal Rounders (Prestige, 1964).
R. Stevie Moore "Caffeine Boy." Delicate Tension (Cordelia, 2004).
Kang Tae Hwan "Track 1." (exerpt) I Think So (Ima Shizuoka, 2002).
Jason Zeh "Heraclitus." (exerpt) Heraclitus (C.I.P., 2008).
Reverse Travelogue #4 (9.3.2011)
Haco & Legendary Poptones "Live in Japan." Legendary Poptones (Self-released, 2001).
Aihiyo "Why The Two Of Us Here." Aihiyo (Tokuma, 1998).
Tav Falco's Panther Burns "Hey, High School Baby." Behind the Magnolia Curtain (Rough Trade, 1981).
Dragibus "Human Fly." Tutti Frutti (Autobus, 2004).
Joseph Spence "Yellow Bird." Good Morning Mr. Walker (Arhoolie, 1972).
Ghedalia Tazartes "Untitled." Repas Froid (Tanzprocesz, 2009).
Bidjanwatie Chaitoe w/ Ramdew Chaitoe "Gore Gore Galon Kale Kale Til." The Legend (197X).
Amps for Christ "15 Claremont Raga." The People At Large (5 Rue Christine, 2004).
Black Ox Orkestrar "Kalarash." Ver Tanzt (Constellation, 2004).
Henry Flynt "The Snake." Back Porch Hillbilly Blues Vol. 1 (Bo'Weavil, 2002).
Angus MacLise "Beelzebub." Astal Collapse (Locust, 2002).
Rake Kash "69 Questions." Rake Cash (Gertrude Tapes, 2009).
Zdenek Liska "Ascension to Fireworks." Malá Morská Víla Soundtrack (Finders Keepers, 2011).
Pascal Comelade "Fragments." Detail Monochrome (Les Disques Du Soleil Et De L'Acier, 1984).
LaDonna Smith "Conversation of Orchids." Eye Of The Storm (TransMuseq, 1992).
Morphogenesis "Entelechy." Formative Causation (Mycophile, 1997).
Reverse Travelogue #3 (8.27.2011)
The Modern Lovers "The Sweeping Wind (Kwa Ti Feng)." Rock 'N' Roll With The Modern Lovers (1977, Beserkley Records).
Will Simmons "Segmentation Fault." Songs for Sore Ears (Best Kept Secret, 2001).
Kazuki Tomokawa "Dagazugu." Yatto Ichimaime (Harvest Japan, 1975).
Karl Blau "Nothing New." Zebra (K, 2009).
Neung Phak "Hired By The King 1." Neung Phak (Abduction, 2003).
Taraf de Haïdouks "Jamparale Ca La Vadulat." Musique Des Tziganes De Roumanie (Crammed Discs, 1991).
Instrumentation From the Igorot Highlands "Ballangbang." Instrumentation From the Igorot Highlands (Self-released)
Master Musicians of Bukkake "Prophesy of the White Camel." Totem Three (Important Records, 2011).
J.A. Seazer "Kyoujo Bushi." Kokkyou Junreika (Victor, 1996).
Sir Richard Bishop "Canned Goods & Firearms." Polytheistic Fragments (Drag City, 2007).
Chrissy Zebby Tembo & Ngozi Family "Fisherman." My Ancestors (Hummingbird Songs, 2008).
Franco et L'OK Jazz "Na Mokili Mibale Na Mibale." Franco et L'OK Jazz (Pathé, 1969).
Ebenezer Calendar & His Maringar Band "Ma Pa Ma Timoh." Africa Elegant - Sierra Leone's Kru Krio Calypso Connection (Original Music, 1992).
Siegfried Kessler & Jean-Francois Pauvros "Swinging S.K. 13, Swangin' Cap 10." Phenix 14 (Le Chant Du Monde, 1979).
The Cherry Blossoms "The Wind Did Blow." The Cherry Blossoms (Black Velvet Fuckere, 2007).
Pierre Bastien "Minor Swing." Mecanium (ADN, 1988).